Homeschoolers welcome!
Tutoring is offered to students who have CAT (Computer Applications Technology, CAPS syllabus), ICT (Information and Communications Technology, Cambridge International syllabus), IT (Information Technology, Cambridge International syllabus) or Digital Literacy as a school subject, or who do not take the subject but would like to learn the equivalent skills in preparation for tertiary education or the workplace.
MisterFoxOnline or MisterFoxOffline
Tutoring is face-to-face in the greater Knysna area and online for students elsewhere.
Exam Preparation
Exam preparation for Matric students is crucial and involves writing past papers which are assessed. Further tutorials are then focused on areas with the highest impact on results for final examinations.
CAT PAT guidance
The annual Project Assessment Task (“PAT”) is a major component of the final CAT year mark. Guidance (within the rules and regulations specified by the DoE‘s PAT documents) can also be given to students completing their annual PATs (Project Assessment Tasks) for CAT students, which is a crucial component of the final year mark.
“There is no theory”
For students requiring help with the theory component of the curriculum, the methodology is practical, and wherever possible, lessons are backed up with practical exercises and real-world applications; the mantra is “There is no theory”.
I have amassed a large collection of hardware and offer students a learning experience which extends beyond — and has proven superior to — the pictures in their textbooks or on teachers’ PowerPoint presentations and YouTube videos (although I have those as well).
Contact me now!

The Museum