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The Focus Question is the point of truth for your entire PAT. A concise Focus Question will allow you to maintain focus and keep your project on track at all times. If at any time, you are doing something which does not directly contribute to answering your Focus Question, you are off-track. In Grade 10 the Focus Question is given to you, in Grade 11 part of the Focus Question is given to you, but in Grade 12 you must compose your own Focus Question.

In this post:
  1. Requirements
  2. Grade 10: tba
  3. Grade 11: tba
  4. Grade 12: Creating Awareness of Green Jobs to Contribute to Environmental Sustainability


“Considering the issue/opportunity you have chosen and the requirements of the PAT, you need to set the focus for your investigation. To do this, you must set/ask ONE question (the focus question), which must clearly reflect what the main focus of your investigation will be. The ‘answer(s)’ to this question form(s) the ‘solution’ to the problem that will be reflected in your final report. This question should be added under the heading Focus Question (added in the previous section) and needs to be:
• A single sentence (not two questions or a paragraph)
• Clearly phrased, concise and researchable and must describe exactly the focus of the investigation within the broader issue/opportunity
• Clearly relevant to/be the focus point of the chosen issue/opportunity”

Grade 12 PAT Learner Guide, 2022

“A clearly phrased, concise, researchable question that describes exactly what the focus of the investigation will be within the broader scenario and that is relevant to what was given in the task description. (Will clearly direct the investigation and provide an indication of the scope).”

Grade 12 PAT Assessment Tool, 2022

The next pages list examples per grade for 2024…

Next step: Task Definition »

By MisterFoxOnline

Mister Fox AKA @MisterFoxOnline is an ICT, IT and CAT Teacher who has just finished training as a Young Engineers instructor. He has a passion for technology and loves to find solutions to problems using the skills he has learned in the course of his IT career.

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