PAT Phase 1: Plan & Research
Phase 1 of the PAT involves understanding, planning and then researching the PAT. Do not attempt to take any shortcuts:…
productivity through technology
Everything you need to ace Phase 1 of the DBE PAT!
Phase 1 of the PAT involves understanding, planning and then researching the PAT. Do not attempt to take any shortcuts:…
« Previous step: Summarising your sources Re-read the post Phase 1 Report outline. Run the following checks before the hand-in…
« Previous step: Capturing full source details for your PAT The source information captured in the previous step must now…
You must create a summary for each of your 10 (or more) sources. Summarise the web page, do not answer…
« Previous step: Phase 1 Report Outline Your Phase 1 Report must contain a Learner Declaration of Authenticity — this…
You should already have created your three sources in the previous step, Creating your sources. You can technically insert your…
Grade 10, 11 and 12 CAT PAT’s must all include as much evidence of research (and planning) as possible. For…
You are now required to record the full bibliographical details for 3 of the sources you have identified.
Part of a series of posts for students completing their CAT PAT.
A huge amount of work can be done on the PAT Phase 1 report before the Topic is announced: the…