Read more about HTML’s <img> tag in this post: The <img> tag.
The PAT Learner Guide specifies that your images must be correctly sized for the web. Many students simply change the dimensions of the image using the width and height attributes of the <img>
tag, often causing the image to be displayed disproportionately in the process. This does also not change the file size.
Required knowledge:
1. Creating website graphics
Working in fully-featured graphics software such as Photoshop and GIMP is not a simple matter and even the most straightforward tasks can be quite difficult to execute. For this reason, I recommend using something you are already familiar with that will produce more than adequate results: PowerPoint! Read more here: Using PowerPoint to create graphics.
2. Editing website graphics
Windows users can open up images in Microsoft Paint or Paint 3D to perform basic tasks such as resizing and cropping image files. It is worth taking the extra time to learn how to correctly resize an image using an appropriate image editing application such as the free, excellent GIMP or even one of the online options such as Canva .
3. Coding images
Images should be coded using the HTML tag, <img>
. The <img>
tag has one required attribute, src
, which determines the source of the image to be included in the web page. All images must also have width
and height
attributes, as well as alt
attributes for accessibility.
<a src="" width="" height="" alt="" />
See more in the post The <img> tag.
4. Background images
Background images can be problematic in web design as they are often difficult to execute on different screen sizes (or “viewports“). They also negatively affect the readability of text when the image is unsuitable.
Tiling (repeating) a small image file to create a texture effect can be attractive.
If you do use an actual picture in the background, once again it may be necessary to use image-editing software such as GIMP to ensure the text is legible by changing its opacity (making the picture look faded).
See the Pen HTML <body> background image by David Fox (@foxbeefly) on CodePen.
<body background="repeating_image.gif">
See the post Phase 3 HTML website post for more info on the PAT website for Grades 11 and 12.