A simple definition for the adjective ergonomic is “relating to or designed for efficiency and comfort in the working environment.” When we consider ergonomics in ICT & CAT we are focused on the design of the computer peripherals (such as mouse and keyboard) that we interact with, our posture (how we sit or stand), work environment and our work habits.
In this post:
Required knowledge:
1. The goal
The goal of ergonomics is to decrease the likelihood of injury or bad health and increase (workplace) productivity:
- by providing a healthy workspace:
- Computer hardware design
- Furniture (desk, chair, etc.)
- Ventilation
- Adequate lighting so that you are not staring at a bright screen in a dark environment
- Correct type of lighting that does not create a glare on the screen
- Wear spectacles with anti-glare lenses
- Blue-light lens spectacles [1]
- and following healthy work habits:
- Correct posture while sitting (or standing)
- Take frequent breaks
- Rest your eyes by looking away from the screen and focusing on something further away before refocusing on the screen
- Flex your wrists, stretch your neck
- Use keyboard shortcuts rather than a mouse
- Don’t use headphones for an extended period or at a loud volume to avoid damaging your ears
A repetitive strain injury (“RSI”) is an injury which occurs through over-use of tendons and ligaments through repeatedly performing the same motion. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is an injury of the wrist resulting from using a pointing device such as a mouse.
2. Input devices
Ergonomically designed computer hardware is designed with the human body and motion in mind. It is most often adjustable so that an individual’s physical build can be accommodated.
An ergonomic keyboard is curved or even split into two halves to allow the user’s wrists to be in a more natural position. The keyboard may feature wrist pads and will be tiltable.
An ergonomic mouse is designed to fit more comfortably in your hand and allows your wrist to be positioned at a more natural angle on the desk.
Trackballs offer ergonomic benefits, especially for those with issues with mobility of their wrists and hands.
An ergonomic mouse pad has a gel cushion that your wrist can rest on.
3. Standing desks
Standing desks have become popular in recent times. Claims have been made that standing and working offer several benefits over sitting. Whilst these are not yet proven, studies do show that sitting for extended periods contributes to several serious health problems.
4. Question time
Question: Discuss which is better ergonomically, a standard desktop computer or a laptop.
Answer: A standard desktop PC can be considered preferable to (better than) a laptop ergonomically:
- A laptop is portable & might encourage a person to shift the device to “sit more comfortably” (and slouch on a couch or bed!)
- Laptop keyboards are more compact and are in a non-adjustable position (small/compact, close to the screen, either the keyboard is at the correct height and the screen is too low or vice versa)
- You could overcome most of these drawbacks by attaching an external mouse, keyboard, etc to the laptop (but you would be sacrificing the mobility of the set-up) & using a laptop stand
- Singh S; Keller PR; Busija L; McMillan P; Makrai E; Lawrenson JG; Hull CC; Downie LE; (2023) Blue-light filtering spectacle lenses for visual performance, sleep, and macular health in adults, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37593770/ (Accessed: 28 November 2023).