The trick to working with SmartArt is to use the Text Pane and toolbars and not the diagram itself.
In this tutorial:
Add a new blank slide in a PowerPoint presentation.
For this example, choose a Labeled Hierarchy diagram from the Hierarchy category.

- Select the Hierarchy category
- Select the Labeled Hierarchy option
- Confirm the preview
- Click the OK button
Text Pane

Resist the temptation to work in the diagram shapes themselves; use the Text Pane to create the diagram and the options on the SmartArt Design ribbon to manipulate it.

Below is a hierarchy that should make the Biology students feel at home. You can copy the text below and paste it into the Text Pane:
Organism Archaea Bacteria Eukaryote Protista Plantae Fungi Animalia Life Domain Kingdom

- Activate the SmartArt Design menu
- Expand (or collapse) the Text Pane using this button
- Or activate the Text Pane using the Text Pane command button
- The expanded Text Pane
- Paste (or type) the bullet points in the Text Pane
- The corresponding shape in the diagram contains the text from the bullet points
Use the Promote & Demote command buttons on the SmartArt Design ribbon to correct the hierarchical order. The slideshow below details the steps:
- Select the Archaea bullet point (click anywhere in or next to the text)
- Click the Demote command button
- The Archaea bullet point is indented
- The related shape in the diagram is moved
- Select multiple items and Demote them simultaneously
- Demoted items in the diagram
- Select multiple items and Demote them multiple times simultaneously
- Demoted items in the diagram
Move Up/Move Down
Use the Move up & Move Down command buttons in the SmartArt Design ribbon to reorder the kingdoms in alphabetical order:

- Click in the Animalia bullet point in the Text Pane
- Click repeatedly on the Move up command button until Animalia appears above Protista
- The Animalia bullet point is now at the top of the list in the Text Pane
- The Animalia shape has moved accordingly in the diagram
Use the Move Up and Move Down command buttons to order the remaining bullet points under Eukaryote.