The trick to working with SmartArt is to use the Text Pane and toolbars and not the diagram itself.


Add a new blank slide in a PowerPoint presentation.

For this example, choose a Labeled Hierarchy diagram from the Hierarchy category.

Using the Microsoft Office Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog window.
Using the Microsoft Office Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog window.
  1. Select the Hierarchy category
  2. Select the Labeled Hierarchy option
  3. Confirm the preview
  4. Click the OK button

Text Pane

Traffic cone warning icon.

Resist the temptation to work in the diagram shapes themselves; use the Text Pane to create the diagram and the options on the SmartArt Design ribbon to manipulate it.

PowerPoint's SmartArt Format menu.
PowerPoint’s SmartArt Format menu.

Below is a hierarchy that should make the Biology students feel at home. You can copy the text below and paste it into the Text Pane:

Inserting text in the Text Pane in PowerPoint's SmartArt.
Inserting text in the Text Pane in PowerPoint’s SmartArt.
  1. Activate the SmartArt Design menu
  2. Expand (or collapse) the Text Pane using this button
  3. Or activate the Text Pane using the Text Pane command button
  4. The expanded Text Pane
  5. Paste (or type) the bullet points in the Text Pane
  6. The corresponding shape in the diagram contains the text from the bullet points


Use the Promote & Demote command buttons on the SmartArt Design ribbon to correct the hierarchical order. The slideshow below details the steps:

  • Demoting and item in a PowerPoint SmartArt diagram.
  • A demoted item in a PowerPoint SmartArt diagram.
  • Demoting multiple items simultaneously in the Text Panel of a SmartArt diagram.
  • Demoting items multiple times simultaneously in the Text Panel of a SmartArt diagram.
  1. Select the Archaea bullet point (click anywhere in or next to the text)
  2. Click the Demote command button
  3. The Archaea bullet point is indented
  4. The related shape in the diagram is moved
  5. Select multiple items and Demote them simultaneously
  6. Demoted items in the diagram
  7. Select multiple items and Demote them multiple times simultaneously
  8. Demoted items in the diagram

Move Up/Move Down

Use the Move up & Move Down command buttons in the SmartArt Design ribbon to reorder the kingdoms in alphabetical order:

Reordering items in a SmartArt diagram in PowerPoint.Reordered items in a SmartArt diagram in PowerPoint.
  1. Click in the Animalia bullet point in the Text Pane
  2. Click repeatedly on the Move up command button until Animalia appears above Protista
  3. The Animalia bullet point is now at the top of the list in the Text Pane
  4. The Animalia shape has moved accordingly in the diagram

Use the Move Up and Move Down command buttons to order the remaining bullet points under Eukaryote.

By MisterFoxOnline

Mister Fox AKA @MisterFoxOnline is an ICT, IT and CAT Teacher who has just finished training as a Young Engineers instructor. He has a passion for technology and loves to find solutions to problems using the skills he has learned in the course of his IT career.

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