Mister Fox

The Young Engineers logo.

I recently left formal education after 8 years teaching CAT, ICT and IT to pursue my goal of creating opportunities for students of all ages to learn to love learning computer technology.

My teaching experience includes teaching at all levels, before I taught school students I worked as a software instructor in the the corporate world.

My IT career however started as an installation and support techie for a point of sales company. While working predominantly with computer hardware and networks, I was also exposed to software, and more importantly, databases. Databases fascinated me and are still one of the things I enjoy most.

This real-world experience — which stretches far beyond the scope of any of the curricula offered in schools — enables me to teach from an understanding beyond that of someone who has studied to be a teacher (in fact it is only in the last few years that a B.Ed in Computer studies became available in South Africa, meaning that very few teachers have studied Information Technology).

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See the Pen Hello World! by David Fox (@foxbeefly) on CodePen.



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CodeWars profile.

