Word’s automatic page numbering feature can become quite complicated very quickly! The complexity results from the various options available combined with the possible existence of Sections in your document. Your saving grace is that Word neatly labels the Headers and Footers on each page giving you all the information you need.

1. Simple

Page numbering is inserted in the header or the footer of a document.

There are ample page numbering options available from the Page Number button on the Insert menu.

Insert page numbering in Microsoft Word 2016
Inserting page numbering

Do this: double left-click on the header or footer to open the Headers and Footers – this activates the Headers & Footers Tools tab

You will need these skills for your PAT Word report!

3. Advanced question

An advanced Matric question might ask you to number the pages in a document as follows:

  • Insert page numbering in the footer of the document with:
    • No page number on the first (cover) page
    • A particular page number style on odd pages
    • A different page number style on even pages!

Find the solution on the next page »

By MisterFoxOnline

Mister Fox AKA @MisterFoxOnline is an ICT, IT and CAT Teacher who has just finished training as a Young Engineers instructor. He has a passion for technology and loves to find solutions to problems using the skills he has learned in the course of his IT career.

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