« Previous step: Focus Question

The PAT Task Definition is a written outline of your proposed project. It demonstrates your understanding of the task, how you will carry out the project, what resources you will require, and how and to whom the presentation will be made. In the working world, your project manager would need all this information before you start working on the project. For example, the project manager would be responsible for ensuring that if you said you needed a coffee machine available for the project, he/she would make that happen!

Grade 12

“To show that you understand why you are conducting this investigation, you must be able to define, in your own words, what you will investigate and what you are required to do (±300 words or half a page in font size 12 pt. as a guideline)”.

Grade 12 PAT Learner Guide 2024

Grade 11

You task definition should consist of ±200 words.

Grade 11 PAT Learner Guide 2021

TASK DEFINITION (± 200 words/half page)

Grade 11 PAT Marking Rubric 2021

Grade 10

TASK DEFINITION (± 150 words/half a page)
Clearly describes, in the learner’s own words, the intention of the task/project (PAT) according to the criteria below. If the task definition is not done in learner’s own word, NO marks should be awarded.

Grade 10 PAT Marking Rubric 2021

You are presented with a problem that you must investigate to find a solution to that problem. What is the problem? Well, it is what you said it was in your Focus Question!

Past PATs have included a variety of topics covering a wide range of subjects, from potholes in roads to responsible digital citizenship.

The Learner Guide goes on to list 5 questions:

  1. What is the current situation and the purpose of the investigation (desired outcome)?
    Provide a clear statement of the problem (current situation)
  2. What will be the desired outcome (focus & purpose) of my investigation?
    Indicate the focus of your investigation, i.e. give an overview of which of the aspects will be investigated and covered – in other words, the headings you will use and the purpose of the investigation (desired outcome) – why you are doing this investigation.
  3. How will I go about the investigation considering all the PAT requirements?
    Specify in broad terms how you will approach the task (study the requirements/steps of the PAT and indicate how you intend to collect the data and information, manipulate it, etc.)
  4. Who is the information for (target audience)?
    Identify the target audience for the final report that will be drafted.
  5. What format will the information be presented in?
    List the application(s) that will be used for each phase of the PAT.

Write a paragraph “answer” for each of those questions: do not include the question itself and answer the questions in the above order. Remember: the Task Definition and the Focus Question must correlate.

Top tips and next step on the following page…

By MisterFoxOnline

Mister Fox AKA @MisterFoxOnline is an ICT, IT and CAT Teacher who has just finished training as a Young Engineers instructor. He has a passion for technology and loves to find solutions to problems using the skills he has learned in the course of his IT career.

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